
Friday, February 28, 2014

... (28.02.2014)

It went even worse. It's so strong that i can no longer conceal it. Mom thinks that it's caused by something. By entities or something, i said no. I'm not sure myself what causes it. I keep falling deeper into the pitch black pit, with no rope or a ladder to climb up. Simply installing Ubuntu (dual boot w/ Win 7) caused great nervousness. I felt like i was being devoured from the inside, not to mention the pain. Everything negative seems to be greatly amplified. Even now, i am squeezing out my last bit of energy on writing this. Least this isn't making me feel bad.

All this has led me to think:"Has there been some switch flipped, or have i just been feeling others emotions as own?"

Perhaps, i have never experienced my own emotions in the first place. Either way, it's an immense burden. So big, that i didn't know how to explain these feeling to my mom when she asked. i really, really do feel like wanting to throw up.

PK/OBE related experiences:
Voices, shrieks, vibrations.
When shooting energy, there was small red dot (like when you watch a bright object you get that blob). Several times.

I'm out. I got no more energy left. Nighty night.

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