
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blenderin n' stuff (12.02.2014)

Been studying Blender for quite the while now. Following BlenderGuru's and BlenderCookie's tutorials, learning new stuff. I should learn more about rigging. Not much new stuff pops up anymore.
The latest i've made are these.

(Had to covert into jpeg... google apparently doesn't like png's for some reason.)

I'm just gonna leave the links here if anyone ever wants to download. I really don't care. I just do it for knowledge, and hope to get better.

There have been some minor geisting going on. The one that surprised me the most was when i woke up (around 8 at evening), sat in computer chair and watched 'Reporter' for a while. When the voting part came in, left side of the tv glitched out for a moment. It was quite interesting.

PK is rather stable. I constantly have the feeling that if i need to use it, i can.. well... i somewhat do. When trucks drive past through a puddle of water, i would attempt to create a wall. Or i would purposely step forcefully into a puddle (which sets the water and half-mold snow flying around me), i would try suspending them in air.

Not much really is going on right now. I'm tired, that's the main thing (even though we only had 2 lessons today... teacher was "sick"). Well, either way, the current life is rather boring. Constrained.
No OBE's, some odd dreams (which i can't remember except the fact something bad happened), some stuff pulled my mood pretty down, felt disgusted and guilty. Yeah... that's pretty much all.


  1. Love the Sakura. A new wallpaper =)

    Yesterday I was pretty pissed at someone smuggling me a presentation for today. Couldn't just refuse either, because I was the only one who had previously given a presentation on that subject (can't really prepare a new presentation with less than a day).

    Had 1 lesson today. I've also been feeling tired, tho, managed to change that today. The aforementioned presentation lifted spirits.

    1. I'm surprised you can even give presentations. As a someone who rarely speaks, i think that is an amazing thing! You have no idea how it feels to be not capable of not talking and thinking at the same time (Talking = No thinking, no thinking = lagged speaking).
