
Monday, December 16, 2013

A restless night

Attempted OBE last night... ended up trying til' morning. Feeling really tired. Couldn't fall asleep because there was always some crap playing in my head. But i did manage to see one dream! It was rather interesting.

It was the age when common people ruled the earth. They used nicknames (like usernames for a site) for business. From the major part, it was quite peaceful, but there was this odd side too.
One night, i dreamt. What i saw was a blur. I see a figure approaching me. A voice appears:"Do you want power?" ... "Yes." Next morning i woke up to find this weird pill on the desk in my room. It looked metallic and cylindrical. I ate it. Weird things started to happen; Eye-sight became very ... odd. The focus of my vision zoomed into any object at VERY long distances and the un-focused part remained the same. I felt really high, i mean that literally. It's as if i was watching myself from above. Mom walks into the room, my hands shake, not of fear, but from excitement. I hide my hands behind my back. Mom leaves, effect wears off.

Next night, i meet this guy again. He asks:"Do you want more?" "Yes, please." He gives me a whole big bottle of them. I wake up... i'm holding them.  I'm looking at the news and hear from somewhere "WillBilly has got sloppy." I immediately knew they were referring to those weird metal cylindrical thingies. Was he who gave them to me?

I'm going outside. About to close the door when a guy runs up, in a panic. Asks with a worried face:"Do you have any of those pills??" "Yes, i do.", he starts walking towards me with a happy face. "Stop", i say. "In exchange, i want information". "Yes, yes... anything!"... i think to myself "Is this just hunger for powers or addiction? Not that they are so different... but still". I ask "What are those things?" he immediately says with a surprised face "You don't know? Those pills will do what you want them to do! They are only handed to FEW people!! (He made it sound, as in around 10 at most, or even less)". I let out a sigh and tell him to follow me. I gave him a few (even though i had a whole bottle of them). He thanks a lot and leaves running with a happy face.

Time passes, it's evening. I'm sitting behind a desk with (*Deja vu moment... i remembered some kind of future event of my life*) my mom. I ask if she wants to try one of those weird pills. To my amazement, she agrees (she would never). I ask if she feels anything. She says in a disappointed voice "yeah, barely". Has she tried it before or is she just resistant towards it? Who knows.

(Dream cuts off. Follows a long, sleepless night.)

Well, it was an interesting dream. The closest i can describe that feeling when i took one, was like i took a TON of energy and it overpowered my system so much, that it forced me to a different mind set. In other words, half-OBE.

"What you want them to be", eh?...

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