
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dream log: I was killed twice, apparently. (+ general log)

I cannot remember getting killed twice, but so i said.
I'm not sure what was going on. Cannot remember. All i remember, is someone coming after me. He placed hand on my forehead and then it suddenly got really peaceful and my heart stopped. Soon, my heart started up again. 

Apart from that, the new year crap is boring. Everyone's having "fun" in the living room, whilist i am laying here in bed, listening to music and watching anime. These people bore me, so i say straight to the face:" I'll be in the other room, not existing for a certain period of time". Not to even mention mom's friends who brought their kids along... I really, really hate noise and nonsense.

1 comment:

  1. :)

    Tried to shield the booms and bangs of firecrackers, but I suspect it had little to no effect.

    Uncle seems to think the same. At least, I think that's what he thinks.
