
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

More weird experiences

At work, nothing to do with boss away (alone, having to deal with clients and stuff, good thing there were pretty few). Meditating on the chair, pretty tired. The blackness comes into my mind. I'm home. It's so relaxing. Wait a sec... wasn't i at work? Startled, open my eyes quickly. Yup, still at work. Time? What's the time?? The last time i checked it was 14:37... it was 15:03. The time went past fast. Good i woke up, otherwise i would've missed the bus.

Last night, staring at the sky, a strong flash of light from certain point that faded in and out. Lasted about 0.7 seconds. Happened after the thought how i was upset about how people make a commotion about one person's death, meanwhile every 1.5s people die and don't even blink an eye towards them. Who cares if a damn actor lost his life, there's more than him out there in the world!

Riding the bus (today), reading "Wanderer's Handbook" (, bag on the left seat. It's slightly dark in the bus (no lights on). From corner of the eye, i see something reach it's hand towards my bag. I look... nothing.

Yesterday, when i was riding the bus, i had nothing to do (didn't feel like reading nor surfing the web). I stare out of the window, looking at the scenery. It was dark outside. Something glowing on the ground, yet there's no source of light. Double check it. Nope, still nothing. Snow... it glows bright blue. It lit up the entire field. It was pretty cool.

(I had been training PK, etheric and auric sight for the last 3 days).

Again in the bus (this morning), in a usual mindset (sleepy, tired, slightly crumpy), when suddenly i get a strong urge to have sex. I mean like REALLY strong urge. It came like in a snap of fingers. It was difficult to keep thoughts out of my mind, since a large part of me seemed to enjoy the sensation, wanting more.
I was very tired this morning, as in drained of energy and will (wanted to use energy on the bus, got a strong "no" from subconscious).


  1. Teleported home and back?

    Lit up the entire field?


    Suddenly experienced something similar in a museum when a Russian couple entered. A very strong urge, which stopped right when they left. They had not come there to visit the museum (just walked through it without even looking at any exhibitions), they had come to play with the minds of people there (though, I was pretty much the only person there).

    1. Odd. I wonder why people even do that. Is it really that much fun to mess with people's heads?
      My classmate always has thoughts about you-know-what. It sometimes feels as these people radiate these thoughts and feelings onto others. Like a living construct...
