
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lucid dreaming at work

Third no-sleep night. I wa so tired, that i took meditative position, then slept on it (i'm pretty flexible). Soon enough, i started to notice something weird.  This odd feeling. It's as if my consciousness "transferred" into another world. I pulled off somehow a WILD (wake induced lucid dream). What i clearly remember, is that i remember all the sounds that surrounded me. People walking past, chatting etc. When this "transferring" process took place, it felt like you forgot everything that surrounded you and you got much much more aware. So aware, that it was somewhat scary. I was mainly scared because i thought no one would wake me up for work. As the noises from this world disappeared, and the noises from the other world appeared i noticed. "Hey, i'm still in the same place! (Walking around) Wait a sec, where's my body? (Nope,no body)". I decided to wake up for a moment to see if anyone has come. nope. Back i went! Same place still. When i moved into other places, i was suddenly in a school. For some reason, i was really pissed and repelled anyone who tried to make contact with me (haha, mornings make me grumpy). I even remember watching TV! There was a music video... some sort of green santa with damn awesome metal song in the background. Then i decided to levitate down the stairs because why the hell not? :P

And all that managed to happen in 15 - 20 minutes.
When  i tried to retry it (imagine blackness, forget, imagine a place, trancend consciousness), i failed. I believe tiredness played an important rule this time. And guess what? I feel like i just slept for 3-4 hours. Freaking awesome!

(I left out about 90% details about the dream world).

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