
Monday, February 24, 2014

Dream: Ghosts

I think i finally understood why ghosts (not all) are so angry with us.

Dream takes off at a local shop, which sells all kinds of paperwork stuff. I needed some pens for school. I put a 10€ bill on the table and then rethink, that i must have some smaller change. I put the change on the table. Then i'm told to recount that since the cashier wasn't there. I... can't! I keep forgetting. It's so difficult that it makes me dizzy. I try so hard that i lose consciousness. Collapse to the ground. Soon, i wake up, and try again and barely manage it. I had given 4 cents more than was needed. While all that was going, i asked if she believes in ghosts. She says yes. I ask if she knows anybody called "Sussch" (instead of this, here was his real name). She says yes again... that he once came here. She also says that he has some hard work coming up. Not sure if she meant that as an exam or something. No idea on that part.
Then all the crap broke loose. She decides to prank me. She shows me a path behind the counter, says that it's haunted by ghosts. Then some other people scare me. Doing this in 3 times in row, i got pissed. I said:" Do it". The path they showed me, blew apart like a tornado had hit it (the path was around the length of a 5 dining tables).

Doing it once, good, but do it more than once pisses me off.

And i wonder what they meant by the Sussch part...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks

    Basically .. preparations for the experiment. The financing of future projects depends on the results of the experiment. That's a lot of work to do.
