
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I think my system finally broke...

This is the second night where i experience negative emotions at their fullest. Yesterday, i couldn't sleep for 2 hours due to worrying (you know when you watch a bright object, you get this spot where you can't see things very well? About that. It lasted around 2 hours). The whole time i felt like throwing up or rather accepting death. The whole morning i spend time restoring my right eye just because of that (it didn't function like it should have).
It's a real pain in the ass. Even now, thinking about it, causes me great worry (which would never do so... normally).

If this keeps going for long time, i will end up at an asylum. At times like this, i wish i could rip out the source of the problem (that is solar plexus chakra). But in a good way, i guess it's a good way to train thought and emotion control.

Each day manages to always bring something negative, but where's positive? Nowhere to be seen or felt. In these days, i can only rely on my memories of hugging an unknown friend, whom only exists in my dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Have you seen the 8 chi habits here:

    Start focusing more on the neutral or positive. Little by little each day you'll start seeing more of it.
    Observe a bird carefully. Observe the weather. What would it feel like to be that tree over there? What does that person over there feel like?

    Go for a jog or something to get that psi moving. Have fun! ;)
