
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Random jibberish

It's funny, how people are curious of the unknown, even if they fear it. Take for example, my mom. She doesn't want me (not to speak of herself) do such things. Especially OBE.
Today, she asked me about it. I explained to her in detail, but she always asks this one:" But what if you can't come back?". I just say:"It depends if you WANT to come back. It all depends on what you want. Your will is your strongest weapon". She just shakes head and says:"Seems dangerous...". What's even more funny, is that suddenly spirituality has become dangerous lol.

I had so many un-posted stuff, that i decided to delete em all.

This morning was odd. Before i wake up, i hear see a schematic and then a voice follows:" Light can be broken down to even smaller particles. This message was sent to you by 'Seven Secret S ...' (Seven Secret senc... no...  something with "s"). Have a nice dream." I woke up and it kept bugging my mind for quite long time. It was like a message, rather than a part of dream. How odd. ;P
The schematic looked like it mainly consisted of resistor-like thingies, that took the light, then transformed it into something. Not sure into what.

Not much has happened really. Just this and that odd normal. No odd odd.


  1. Cool .. I'm into schematics, especially the one's that are exceptionally messy and difficult to understand.

    Have been researching light recently as well. =)

    What if you said she's OBE'ing each night? That she loses consciousness of her body and becomes aware of herself somewhere else. And each morning she wakes up in her body again.

  2. Lol, that's a great circuit! xD

    That's a good idea. I'll say that once it comes up. :)
