
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Update of 18.02.2014

Last night, i had fun RV-ing places (just some random ones). No OBE, just RV and not even that too strong. Still, an interesting sensation.

Had some longer than usual dreams. Remember, most of them.

I noticed something quite interesting at school. It was history class and i was kinda blocked out into another world (attempting auric sight etc) when i notice how the seemingly random pattern on the table, had lots of schematics, writings, pictures etc. Everytime i looked, it changed. All i did was concentrate and filter out bright spots and lines (so i would only see them). Perhaps i just wanted to see that, but who knows. Maybe (probably) random isn't all that random.

Most of the school days pass by the same way. I either try to sleep in class (teachers won't bother me anyways, i usually sit in the front desk too. I'm pretty much a ghost unless i want myself seen)

Also, been wondering about the lines that appear in this reality. Quite similar to "Kara no Kyoukai"s ones (If you still haven't seen Kara No Kyoukai movie series, WTF are you waiting for??).

The difference is, they aren't straight. They are jagged and curvy. Some brighter at where they cross, some not.

Here's some of the images that i took once when i watched the movie series (there is an anime series called "Tsukihime" which takes part in another universe). ... I think i'm gonna rewatch Kara no Kyoukai series.

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