
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dream log: "Ambrosia"

(Dream of 15.06.2014)

A fourth attempt at writing this amazing dream... i still cannot bring myself to publish it.

"Ambrosia" -- a word which meant nothing to me, until today.
   . . .

I'm in a city, which looks a lot like New York, yet the amount of people denies the fact. Barely anyone walks these brick-patterned streets. It's mid-day. The sun's high in the sky, cannot tell what day it is. If i had to guess, i would say it's Saturday or Sunday. I'm not doing anything specific, just standing in the shadow of a tall building.
Fast-forward -- I remember a part where i meet a girl with roller skates. Out of curiosity, i begin to question her:

(This actually happened in a telepathic/empathic fashion. It's like we imagined, that we were talking to each other, so in order to fully describe what we spoke of, i'm going to  try 'mimic' the conversation)

Me:"Umm, excuse me!" (since there was practically no one on the streets, it was fairly easy to catch her attention).
Girl:"Yes, what is it?"
Me:"I know this is a weird question, but... where am I?"
Girl:"(starts laughing), Silly! It's one of your own many realities!"
Me:"(confused)... wait a sec..... If this is my reality? Who are you? How can you be here?"
Girl:"That's easy. I am you, and you, are me."
Me:"... so you are saying, that we create each other?"
Girl:"Not quite. I am 'you' from another reality."
Me:"But if we are from different realities, shouldn't we be different? I mean, from other than gender..."
Girl:"But we are! ...and not. It's confusing, i know."
Me:"Ok, lemme recap-- Hold on. Does that mean you are currently dreaming too?"
Girl:" I've been dead for a long time now. The reason why we are capable of seeing each other, is because we want to see each other. You, and I, have created a link to all of those whom we wish to see -- Even, if you have never met, or will meet them."
Me:"So that explains why all the "dream people" have been female..."
Girl:"(snickers) ...ecchi..."
Me:"Hey! It's not because of that! It's this damn-- That's strange. I can't feel the pain of my heart here... Either way, you are misunderstanding!"
Girl:"It's OK. I can understand."
(brief pause)
Me:"So, will I be able to see you in later dreams?"
Girl:"As long as you want to."
Me:"...can i ask one more question?"
Girl:"Of course. I got nothing to do anyways."
Me:"Do you know anything about that pain (referring to the pain in chest)?"
Girl:"Not really, but if i were to take a random guess, perhaps someone inhabits it?"
Me:"...inhabits it?"
Girl:"(shrugs), it's a guess."
Me:"No, no! It's actually quite possible!"

The next thing i know, is that I'm looking at a surgery of someone's. A heart transplant? Someone connects a strange looking pump pipes to the heart's vessels and tells me to pump it to keep it alive. Odd.

The next thing i know, I'm at school. Sitting next to the same person whom i spoke to. I cannot remember anything of which i spoke to her about, just the fact, that i knew her. I ask of her where her sister is (somehow i knew her sister's name... 'Ambrosia'). She says that, she's on some sort of a photoshoot. I just say OK.
From the edges of the class, i can hear whispers:"He's so lucky. All seven of them, too...". "Seven?" I finally understood what they meant. Apparently, no one was capable of speaking to them due to them being "dragons in human form". If the "dragons" were to speak to them, they simply wouldn't be capable of understanding (not because it was difficult, it sounded so confusing to them). Also, for some reason, i knew the following:"I am connected to them. I am responsible". I also knew that i had some sort of "dragon" blood running through my veins which allowed to understand these "dragons", who were in human forms.
Later, at a PC, i try to write "ridiculous", but would always turn out differently. We laugh as we try different words, meanwhile i think:" Please... don't leave me".

1 comment:

  1. Wow .. an amazing dream.
    It has a lot of spiritual value as well.

    I can relate to the conversation with that girl. With empathy and telepathy, I've realized it myself - that I'm other people and they are me .. slightly different aspects of the consciousness. When I've established such a link between the realities, the people have changed - it works both ways.

    Something inhabiting the heart .. sounds pretty likely. Empathy, compassion and unconditional love has helped me solve similar issues. You've probably read the "Satan goat in leather jacket" post and that after mind-hugging the goat for a few minutes, it transformed. It became a happy goat, wandered around the room and left 2 days later. The goat wasn't a very dense thoughtform so I couldn't quite see it, could just sense its presence and what it was doing. Perhaps there's something / someone similar in your heart?

    I didn't get the symbolism behind Ambrosia, 7 or dragons.

    Though, sometimes I wonder about the links between names, numerology, astrology. There is something there - at least people with the same name share similar traits. I'm a dragon scorpion. I like dragons but I'm not too fond of scorpions, I guess. Dad once said he has tried to read my mind but he couldn't (it didn't make sense to him). He could read the minds of others, though.

    Very cool dream, tightly packed with interesting info.
