
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Update of 7.06.2014

Went over all of CSS and HTML since some things kept screwing up (childs, classes, id's etc). Now, started learning jQuery which is still a bit of a mindfuck to me. I understand the main part, but i still manage to screw up the action part, for example:

//If document == ready do following:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Variables
   $button = $('#btn');
   $element = $('#element');
//if button pressed make...
      $ {
element fadeout slowly.

I have no clue if this even works. What i'm trying to tell, is that double (or more) functions f' up my logic.

All the physical stuff has gone down for now. Phew -- finally, a calm moment.

Have had A LOT of dreams. Today was a bit different since i had a lucid one. A book somewhat "woke" me up. As ironic as it sounded, the book was called "Ancient ways of Lucid dreaming". It was fairly new. Browsed through it quickly... lost interest fairly fast. Put it back in the secret chest i found from. While attempting to read, i tried to mediate my consciousness so i wouldn't wake up nor lose it at all.
The rest of the dream, i managed to retain portion of my awareness. There was some sort of uprising. Fairly high altitude place. Sun shining. People were carrying guns.
One person was swapping guns for other stuff (since there was no money in use due to the uprise). The place felt completely different. It felt kinda "heaven-ly" like.

When i saw a man nick a gun from the market guy (without him seeing), i decided that i should too. I got caught and rockets started flying from all over the place. Nearly escaped alive.

Due to lucidity, i remember the environment fairly precicely (i don't like using lucidity -- It's much more fun to just be and see where it takes you). Though, i did learn a new thing thanks to it. In the dream, i concentrated on the energy emitted from a body. It blocked out most of my normal vision, but made energy completely visible. I was emitting a stream of yellow-ish white energy from my fingertips. It was pretty cool.
Though, trying it out in reality didn't work out that well, but there certainly was different "waves" that i haven't noticed as vividly as before.

What i did in the dream was: concentrate on the "disruptions" in air (think like heat waves), then kept focusing on seeing them more until it took on form and color.

As for other dreams... they are fairly ... weird. Abstract. That's the best answer i can come up with.

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