
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Update of 12.06.2014

Estonian exam: 4. Mistakes: Too difficult terminology. Could have seen that coming. Well, who cares. Passed. Now, all that is left, is biology.

The last lessons, i have been learning stuff in Codecademy. Completed HTML+CSS, AirBnB, started PHP, Java, jQuery, API and intendending to start Python.

Went to sleep early yesterday. Had a lot of dreams. I remembered 5 of them.

1 (!! Not enough Info to recall !!) -- Another goodbye

I cannot remember it, but it stood out from all others, so i can only remember what it feels like -- It feels like a goodbye. A goodbye where someone disappears.
I hate these goodbyes. They hurt too much.

2: I'm powerful!!

In the dream, i had the ability to learn other's abilities. Any power, anything. I could make a copy of it. Due to that, i became more powerful than anyone. I could make huge boulders into tiny pebbles (they were glowing red hot! Probably due to compression).

3: Gods' domain

It was actually a horror themed dream. I was theorizing and practicing on how to call them and how to get to where they are. The result was actually more frightening than i thought (since i was forcing them to come to my location, instead visiting them). I did make there, though. And i was pretty much instantly banished from it. It was sorta dark, moon-like place with old temples. Floating rocks and rivers... but dark. Straight after what i saw, i felt such anger as it felt like someone was pressing down on me, and i fell into a pitch black "well". Lol. This is actually pretty funny. I'm messing with "gods". Hahahaha! xD

4: Disappearance of a man

After getting banished from that place, i fell into another place. It was dark (possibly some sort of lower lever dimension of "it's"?). I turn to the left to see sandbox which is illuminated by a streetlight. In the sandbox, there are children digging something hurriedly up. I approach to see them digging up something that looks like a small, fist-sized box in Christmas wrapper. I begin to dig as well, yet find nothing. As i gave up, i noticed, that there's no one anywhere near me anymore. The kids had vanished, but it didn't quite feel like that was the case. It felt like they had gone home.
Right after, i am greeted by a female child in age of around 13-14. Despite her age, she is quite mentally mature, yet for what i see, there's grief behind her smile.
Girl: "Did you find anything?"
Me:"No... Do you happen to know what they were digging?"
Girl:"... sadly, no."
A quiet moment. A look at the sky... no stars. Just pitch blackness. My sight falls back to the girl whom is staring at the sky, as well. In her hands, there's a white blanket, she's grasping it fairly strongly, as if she were in pain. Her head falls in a tired fashion.
Girl:"... would you like to come in... for tea?"
Me:"If that's alright with you, then sure."

We go walk indoors. The house is about 4 rooms big. Kitchen with a table, which was connected to the door we came in. A few steps forward, to the left, there's a big living room. To the right, there's a big window, with one of those slide-able doors (japanese style). If you go straight ahead, there's bedroom with queen-sized bed. To the left, there's bathroom with a bathtub. I did not see them, but i could feel it.
As i step forward to the kitchen, i notice how well the rooms are lighted. It somehow made a cozy feel to it. We sit down at the table, sipping tea. I've never liked tea. I hate it, but out of respect, i harden my face and endure it.
Slight moments after:
Me: "You look grim, are you OK?"
She"(Surprised, since she wasn't aware of her own emotions), oh, um...--"
Me:"--I guess the answer is obvious. (takes a deep breath, sighs and gives a determined look), Is there any way i can help?"
She:" (Sulks), I, uh... used to live with a boy. He was like a big brother to me. A week ago, he disappeared. When i tried asking others, if they know anything of him, it's like they didn't even know him!"

For a brief moment, a picture flashes through in my mind. A boy around age of 18. I couldn't tell what he looked like, but it felt like a "setting sun". It was calming. When i analyzed around the house, it was indeed like no one else had lived here. I couldn't pick up on anything else either.

Me:"Did he say anything before his disappearance? Or told what he was going to do?"
She:" "I'll bury my feelings under the feet of all whom are who are bound by this place" "
Me:"That's obvious! The sandbox! I'll--"
She"--I searched it! Nothing was there!"
Me:"Perhaps not deep enough? Like a wise man once said:"Throwing a net over all oceans, doesn't mean you'll get all the fish".
I shall try digging deeper."
I grab a shovel and hurry onto the sandbox.

After a while of digging, i find some things. 4 tall things wrapped in Christmas wrapping and a red marker. As i turn around and step out of the sandbox, she's there, waiting eagerly.
She:"Did you-- You found something?!"
As she approaches me, i open my hands and watch as her eyes widen in amazement. She quickly grasps the red marker which had also piqued my interest. Her head falls down as she's squeezing it close to her chest, tears begin to fall. I'm confused, yet somewhat relieved. Perhaps it was the thought of hers, that he did in fact exist, that he did not "disappear". Perhaps, i was just relieved to see someone happy.

// Dream cuts off, i wake up.

Damn it, i still ended up describing it too much. What am i, writing a book? *sighs*
(I remember every dream at ridiculous detail. I'm just too lazy to write it all down, and i doubt anyone has the time to read this nonesense. It would go at least 2x the length of it).

5. Randomness...

 It was fairly wacky dream. There was some story before it (I'm NOT going to be writing that nonsense). Something about a dream where 3 of us were running away from 2 dogs. For some reason, the dogs hated fireworks (you know, those crackling ones'?), so we thew those for distraction. They always found us, though, it was fun nonetheless.

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