
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Dream log: "I don't need eyes to see you"

In the dream, i closed my eyes and looked with remote view from my own perspective. I was sorta sleeping next to a highway road (Ieven had a blanket! i was really sleepy, gimme a break lol). As cars and people pass by, at some point, i start to see things. I already knew what was going on, so i stood up and managed to maintain the RV.
There were people who went "You blind man?" and i would just go "I don't need eyes to see. I clearly can see that you have purple hair (don't question it :D ) and a long face, and then just walk away. xD
There was another dude who teached me some stuff (related to PK) that i cannot remember. Well, levitation is easy. Flying is just a projection of a feeling that generates the effect. For example, getting lighter, moving to sides. I don't know why, but i can do anything related to PK or impossible naturally in dreams, yet I fail harder than anyone else in reality.

Another interesting thing. The RV actually causes one to extend a dream atleast twice it's length and to remember things more clearly opposed to regular sight. Don't know what logic (makes more conscious?) it follows, but hey, double the fun!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool
    :D Double fun

    Flying is easy but only in a dream. But then again, while awake, I haven't practised for as long as I have while asleep.
