
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Let's Play: A row of failures

So, i started doing a Let's Play.

First time: Voice not audible.
Second time: Game crash, lose all video footage (1:33 h).
Third & fourth : Forgot to record audio.
Fifth time: Forgot to record video (Recording cancelled due to Alt+TAB).

Decided to stop for today. Also, audio recording seems to have 'jumps' in it. Does not match with video. Gonna try Audacity tomorrow.
All of the times, the length of the time was around 45min (except for 2-nd). At the end of it, I was so frustrated that i couldn't even speak of anything. Not to mention dying  every 30 seconds. (Sighs)...

But it's not all bad! I have got better at controlling my voice. It's clearer, yet still not enough. I'm not putting enough energy and emotion into it.

Bah, i;ll try again tomorrow.

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