
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Update of 23.08.2014

Delivery maaaan! You are grinding my gears. I swear, if you haven't delivered the package by monday, I WILL call the boss and potentially get you in a lot of trouble. You had plenty of time. You made your own rules, which i was generous enough to follow, AND you filed a false report. Don't test my patience. All there is, is dust in the bottom of the jar, and that is about to run out as well.

Prolonged sleep for too long, head aches. Let's see -- I levitated, used PK to make things fly around and made a volcano erupt, brought gales of wind, and attempted to make lightning, which failed. There was something to do with a elevator, not sure what. Something about swimming too. Also, i noticed a different side of myself. When i spoke to my neighbor about how she has changed (mainly in a negative way), she replied with the same. That I don't care of anyone anymore,  to which i replied with "I guess, that's true. People change, don't they? I could say the similar to you. I liked the old you, but all that now you are, just reminisces the old one. A sad excuse for a change". Ouch. I said all that like i was sipping a cup of coffee on a friday's evening (eg. like it was nothing, completely naturally). I can't do that usually, unless i REALLY know someone.
Though, i did meet another Psion. He accelerated the movement of clouds. It was like the clouds started sailing. It was awesome.

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