
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Update of 14.08.2014

[A draft from yesterday's evening]

I don't know know why, but i feel lost again. Who am I? What am I? Why? Frequently, a picture pops up. It's me at a psychic. We sit each at the opposite end of a round table. She has her eyes closed while I stare with a blank emotion, while my soul is half out of my body, attempting to grasp the sky. Then she opens her eyes and looks with a mortified face.

This reality is driving me insane. Stupid box, let me out!

See? This is what i mean by split-personality. I feel as i want to rip my heart out. All of this god damn suffering. Yet then, i wouldn't be myself anymore. I would be empty.

The hit from yesterday's evening still lasts. What's worse, is that i watched yesterday the russian extra senses (psychics). I feel so helpless, yet continue to admire such people. I feel envious.
This has really gone far. Now, i'm willing to give my whole being for IT.

I had a dream, where i folded a piece of foil with PK, but it didn't feel like PK. It just happened as i wanted (there was a short delay, though). I didn't feel the object, absolutely no connection. Just pure will.
The dream felt somewhat strange. It was lucid, and at the same time, not.

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