
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Afternoon dream log: Shocky! (9.09.2014)

So the dream went a little bit like this:
I managed to defy what was supposed to be my "fate" -- which is, get struck by lightning... and die, obviously (I'm aware that a BIG percent actually survive. 90 or something, if i recall right).
Just as i had said "See! You can change your fate!", i sense a lightning behind me (there was a window) and i get struck by it. What seems fairly long time, i decided to resist. I allowed it to freely flow, then sucked a portion of it into myself and discharged the rest of it. The lightning that i redirected was red.

Then there was an after-story to it, where i sorta manifested lightning on my own. I was sorta the antagonist of the story, yet I would still get along with the "heroes".

But man... How many times have i got struck by lightning now? I just recently died from it. Meh.

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