
Friday, September 19, 2014

Cemetary (19.09.2014)

Yesterday, my electro-acoustic guitar's battery ran out of juice. Went to buy a new a new 9V one today. Since I was already going to shop, i decided to take a small bag to gather berries (not sure what they are in English, but in Estonian, they are called 'viirpuu'). The place where i gather them, is located in the cemetary. I like cemetaries. Nice and quiet, but it makes me dizzy if i stay for too long. Coincidentally, after gathering, I saw a beautiful RED sun. It was completely red. Not orange, nor orange-reddish, but red. I wanted to get a better view, but when i had climbed a small hill, it had mostly set already. Still, nice thing to see.

The day before yesterday, my phone went off at a time i had no alarm at. The two alarms i have are: 7:00 and 7:45. Phone went off at 7:30. Double checked it. Looked at the wall clock... nope, it IS 7:30 and there is no such alarm. Both 7:00 and 7:45 worked as usual. How strange.

Also, the road which leads directly to my home (from cemetary), has this house that i don't like. It's like it wants to possess me. Just being near it feels like someone tries to pull you, turn your head and it makes you really dizzy. Strangely, no effect on mom when we came by that road.
(Not sure if it's connected in any matter, but there are a lot of graves that have been forgotten. Kinda makes you sad when you think about it.)
(Now that i mentioned it, there are noises from time to time coming from thin air. Like footsteps or a wood-branch breaking behind you. When I checked behind, nothing. Didn't feel right to expand my consciousness).

1 comment:

  1. The author of "The bible of the undead" also described these noises.

    I don't think I've heard them myself, though.
