
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Dream log: Learning stuff, yay! (3.09.2014)

Yesterday, i took a nap and slept from 17:00 to 20:00. Since that was such an energy surge, i stood up 'til 2 in the morning.

What i saw in the dream was a bit strange. I remember something to do with fear (like the fear from my childhood, so that was pretty nostalgic), but what striked odd, was that, this fear was more of an 'excitement'. Kinda like "What's going to happen now? Am i gonna die again? Is something gonna spook up?" Nothing. It subsided.
I woke up just a hour later. "(*not looking at the clock, purely sensing time*) ... about 3 in the morning, eh?... Oh well, back to sleep". Also, at that point of time, i could still feel, that i wasn't completely 'here'. When i closed my eyes, i could see pictures of place where i was, still popping up.
As i fell asleep again, I'm back at the same spot again. The strange 'fear' still lingers, yet i now ignore it. I sit by the other side of the desk of where my boss sat (you know...  when you go to work to get experience, that school thingy). I was drawing a house. When i finished, a guy (web designer, he was a cool guy) snatches the paper and draws his own version of it. Barely any time passed, and he showed it to me. "Here. Now THIS, is art". He had drawn one of those anamorphic illusions, and it did look really cool! I could say nothing more than compliment him. He also teached me something awesome:

"Look at the cupboards back there. You can see all kinds of details, but they do not seem unique, do they? (nods). If you look at it, there's a pattern: colors, lines and shapes (mental filtering of similar patterns). If you draw something, that's far away, draw it's shadows mild-sharp, and it's colors pale. If you draw something close-up, you wanna do the exact opposite. Draw it's shadows in a fading form. Even if the object is colorless, add opposing colors to sides. This gives it a more realistic look. For example, if this cupboard were to be pale (imagine in B&W), then add red to the object and blue to shadows. This works on the basis of our light spectrum perception. Just like how sunset's are reddish/orange, and sky blue -- This can be used to create artifical depth."

I'm not fully grasping onto this theory quite yet, but he had some good idea! I'm gonna have to digest this further for a little while.

The after waking, i had some strange dream. Then i slept in, since my phone was drained empty and THEN i had lost the goddamn key to the door. Searched it since 9 in the morning to 15:00. Goddamn sneaky keys... hiding from me.

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