
Sunday, September 14, 2014

*Sighs* (14.09.2014)

I swear, i will f*** up whoever keeps messing with my life. The row of bad coincidenses is filling my 'hate jar'.
Even I cannot keep my cool for endless time. First, handicapped friend broke my damn headphones. (Sarcastic) GRE~A~T. I wasn't angry, but his freaking poking the topic only made it build up. At one point, I said in an angry tone: "How about you shut up?". Sure, even though he brought new ones -- which I rejected (to prove a point) -- I hate taking something negative even further. I'll find a way to fix it, and that's that. As long as you know you dealt negativy to me, i'll forgive.
And as if that wasn't enough... the mic i brought from a person, seems like one of those fraud-ers. The only thing in my head that goes on, is how to destroy that person's life. *Face palms and takes a deep breath*. Dear person -- You do realize, that i got all information on you. Just one last thing, and i can turn your life into living hell? You better not be one of those assholes, or I SWEAR I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET IT.

I got enough of this bullshit. If everything decides to turn my life upside down, i will reply with the same. What you give is what you get.

And oh --  this isn't the first time life desides to roll up it's middle finger. It's always like this, even though, i usually reply with opposite (good).

... crimeny.


Good. Enough with that.

I've had a ton of dreams. Bugs, devils, getting shocked by lightning AGAIN, and more weird stuff. The only reaction I always wake up -- "What the hell was all of this? You know what -- Not questioning it".

Also, don't know why, but whenever we have to study laws and stuff, it's as if I got slapped with a frying pan. Absolutely cannot understand anything at all. My mind goes hazy and words do not make sense anymore. Read as many times as you want -- nothing. After that, i feel as if i'd gone through a brainwash.
Well, least there's one good thing. The other lessons are easy. Like 'free time' easy. We even sometimes play L4D2 with teacher,  so that's cool. :)

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