
Monday, September 15, 2014

Update of 15.09.2014

Purposely missed school today. Why? Had stuff to do like making portable apps and also tried calling that goddamn seller. Not picking up.

Well. Either way. The other classmate (who shouldn't even have to attend to the school, and occasionally doesn't) had something to do with TV3. Screenshot!

That means the 'non-knowing' ones were the only ones at school. I can only imagine their -- excuse-me-for-my-choice-of-words -- 'bitching'. Poor teacher :D
But still, that's a good coincidence that both of us were absent!

Aside of all this stuff, my hands feel electrified. Tingling sensation non-stop since yesterday.
Couldn't sleep either, and saw some more weird ... stuff.


While searching the net for more information on application virtualization, i came across this and this NEEDS a good aplaud:

“I do not think people who pirate our software do it because they are bad people, or because they like to steal things. I just think that they decided that they can not afford it,” Adobe’s David Wadhwani said earlier this month when the Creative Cloud launched."

BRA-VO. *Claps*.

THIS(!), is what we wait from people. You, good sir, got my respect.

As of another topic, I sorta sided up with 'The House of Portable' from side-lines. He was having trouble with 'Adobe Edge Animate CC', so i picked that one up myself, due to complete lack of information on that certain app virtualization. After some time, I successfully created one, that ran on clean Win7 and on my current Win 7 (with no registries or install files remaining nor created). I packed it and sent it to him, and asked him to see if it works. He hasn't replied yet (usually replies really late or early). Next one will be 'Adobe Muse CC'.

(The thing is, that they are completely rewritten ones. They do not behave as the others do. If it works, It will be, if not, the only working one in the whole internet.)
(His builds crashed, as did mine, at first. He was saying, that he found no solution. Even I, am not completely sure if it will work on Muse).

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