
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Minor changes in life (6.09.2014)

I'm somewhat actually starting to enjoy life. As opposed to previous thoughts, I have been very negative. I'm sure i will argue against myself in the future about what i have written, but this is how i feel right now. So, shut up, future me.

On another note, i've begun to find fun in fear. It's not fear anymore. It's more like the WANT to discover -- overcome ALL obstacles. Still, i do not want to know everything. Don't want to be everything. If it'd be that, it'd be as cheating and i'd give up right away without second thought. There's no fun in knowing everything.

(Though, most things i've seen in my dreams come to life, but never know when, so it's kinda like a thriller. Never know when to expect something, yet you know, that there will be)

As well, i've been seeing lots of 'fear' inspired dreams lately. Yay. Also, I have a feeling that OBE is somewhat starting to open up again. What i haven't written here, is that, about a week ago, i forced myself into OBE state, but i was kinda scared and pulled back, which unfortunately ended the state. Usually, when this OBE-like state begins, i get 'sucked' into it, and then can leave. On this one, it was my own will which allowed it to end.
Now, every time i go to sleep, there's this 'gap'. Will i fall asleep, or will it initiate OBE? That's on my sight right now.

While being on the topic of OBE's. There was a dream of OBE-PK. It felt different from the normal PK that I've experienced.
When i tried to phase through a wall, it didn't quite work. Sorta slammed into it (lol) and there was a lot of interference (head started aching, ringing in ears, kinda lagging motion when attempted to move forward [moved in a teleportation style]).

Now that i've recalled all this, I remember a faint memory of another dream. Not quite sure, though. Something to do with some people... not sure what.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool..
    The phasing attempt took place in the OBE-PK dream?
