
Friday, September 26, 2014

Information uncontrallability (26.09.2014)

The past night was somewhat frightening.
I woke at random time. Head filled with all kind of thoughs -- So many, that i was incapable of understanding what I was even thinking. Not only that, there was this annoying high pitch sound again (tinnitus, most likely). As i swipe around with my hand, searching for my phone, pictures come and go in less than split second. I finally found it. 2:26. I had only slept for 2 hours. As I attempt to silence my thoughts and fall asleep, there arises a certain image -- It's not going away. A small face, with red eyes. It's smiling. "Alright... i guess, you are a tiny bit creepy", i say in my mind and continue to silence. Instead of silencing my thoughts, I end up concentrating on that face. Every time i managed to silence a mass of thoughts, it came closer. Each time, the smile was even creepier than the last. At one point, the face was fairly close. It's eyes were bleeding -- And then, of all the sudden -- Silence. All i could hear was tinnitus now. My mind was blank for the moment.
As i attempted to fall back asleep, every time, i would wake up with tons of thoughts going on. So, i just lied there, looking at all this stuff that was going through my mind.
When the clock hit around 4, i finally fell asleep, and that due to forcing myself.

Cannot remember any dreams, yet i remember having some.

It felt like thousands of people were speaking with me. Each, and every thought was visualized. In the end, you never understood anything that was going on. It really did feel like going nuts.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm ..

    Did you try compassion and unconditional love towards the guy with the bleeding eyes?
