
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Dream log: Dreaming of an OBE

Just thought it would be wise idea to write this down.

In total, I had 3 dreams... or at least that's how much I can remember at the current point of time.

Dream 1: Dreaming of OBE
Quite literal. I went to sleep in my dream, but I didn't realize that I was already in an OBE (it wasn't a full OBE, more like a lucid dream without it actually being a lucid dream). The first thing I encountered was sleep paralysis, which I overcame fast. Then I encountered 2 "evil" spirits/entities, who I commanded to disappear. After getting the hang of how things work, I decided to call them back. Nothing much happened. I simply struck a deal with them. They are able to manifest themselves and use my energy, in return of simply becoming my companion (well, I saw no harm, so why not).
Then the "OBE" stopped and back to normal it was. There was something with the door leading outside and somehow, I was capable of going into OBE without leaving my body (still capable of controlling it). I told them to block the door, just to see how much they can manifest. Well, mom wasn't capable of going outside because she thought the door was "locked".
(Current me: "Hell yeah! Let's build an army of companions! There's nothing we can't achieve!" xD)

Dream 2: Tortured by needles
Not exactly sure what that was, but there was one guy that repeatedly injected long needles through-out my body. Got used to the pain, took em out and put em on him instead. I was under some sort of an antiseptic. Most likely triggered by the smell of my own blood
(I get a lot of scratches from playing with my cat, by rubbing blood between fingers, it has the smell of iron compounds, though yesterday, it was different, as in there was something mixed in with it).

Dream 3: Totally pointless dream
Even in dream, I was bored of it.

Dream 4: Performing a surgery??
A pregnant cow. Not sure why, but I was supposed to cut it's stomach open. Kinda gross. First layer was the one bleeding most, the internal layers didn't at all. (shrugs)... It's an experience.

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