
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Update of 16.05.2015

//General log//
Stupid power outages. If anything will break, i'mma be mad (since I'm always the one fixing stuff). They already scorched my LED lights power supply last time (blew up the transistor inside, not kidding. The whole board was in covered with black slag like you get from a candle). Seriously need a UPS for desktop PC's.

Outage log (today): 
18:41 - 3x (END: 19:13)
23:27 - 3x (END: 23:29)
23:33 - 2x (END: 23:34)

// OBE //
As for OBE, I'm back to trying it, now that I have more time. Also, noticed a major error in my attempts. I attempted: Clear mind -> Visualize -> Materialize
But instead, when I tried: Clear mind -> Concentrate on heartbeat and breathing, I noticed some different behavior. For once, I got so close to OBE, that I became 'super-aware' of my surroundings. It induced fear and when I managed to suppress the fear, I had already lost the state. Breathing became effortless. My own fear limited my ability to go further. Yesterday, I fell asleep. Damn it. :D

// Arduino //
Yesterday, 4 hours of trial-and-failure on trying to get an arduino board to work. Finally did get it to work, but now crap with compiling (really really slow, should try on a VM).
As for understanding C, I've got the basics nailed down. Successfully made a led toggle on off with a mic, but damn, didn't save the sketch. Now attempting to get a photo-transistor to behave as I want... which it isn't. Neither is the IR-receiver. The serial data is not correct nor responding to external events... and I got no datasheet for 'em either. Well, this is at least a faster way to grasp how things interact with each other, than plainly learning C.

// More on Arduino //
The IR-receiver/photo-transistor have 3 legs. I'm assuming left is data, middle ground and right ... power/switch? AnalogRead returned momentary 200 -> 600 when lifting finger from the sensor. Delayed 10ms. Didn't quite seem correct. The stable ~600 was also changing too rapidly. Sometimes it would throw in random 700's. Sometimes, it would go up to 1023 and just stay there, which is assuming, that the transistor somehow "auto-adjusted" itself or my wires are malfunctioning. What a headache.

Now, that I have all the necessary things, I'm thinking of trying to write a code for one of those "jedi lamps" or whatever they are called, though, I nearly know nothing on quantum random, and seems to be a bit too far of a leap, with my current given capabilities in coding. Normal random should suffice, then built on-top of that. Shouldn't be difficult, since it just switches out the "random" code-block which implements real-world data... or that's as far as I understood Sussch. Well, it's a challenge... sorta.

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