
Friday, May 1, 2015

Wasting some time - Skyrim - Part 1

Since I got no singing 'til monday, I did some heavy modding with Skyrim.
Oh, and I was so bored, that this became a thing:

 "It's all in your head!"

Some sweet gods' rays.

Bit dusty here, isn't it?

Freaking sweet balance of contrast and brightness.

"We got to go sneaky!"

My trust-y companion Farith

More lighting, that caught my eye.

... aaannd even more ...

... eh.


Farith:"Can we go and do some quests already?"


Battle-mode: ON!

Winterhold nearly at it's doom. Eh. Lets give sick pose instead!


Whiterun at the same night, when we got kicked out the house...

PS. The upper time is game time. Lower is real-time.

Well, least it was fun. Except the parts where I froze, CTD'd or didn't even start. Still. Was fun. :)

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