
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Fucked up world (10.05.2015)

Grr. Darn you Optical Flares. Why won't you work. I've been stuck with you for 2 days straight and still not figured it out. *pouts*. Local plugin directory, is a no-no; Sandbox external plugin directory is a no-no; Internal is inaccessible; While scripts worked on 'version' defined plugin directory, Optical flares don't. Me no like-y that. Also, THOP (The house of Portable) said it had the damn plugin, while he did not. Goddarnit THOP.

About 2 weeks ago, I was getting quite bored of Dissection songs, but now, I love them again. I love the disharmonious sound in their songs. The dark feeling to it.

I like to think it like this:" While daytime highlights the shadows of the world, the night exposes it's tiniest fragments of light."

The "dark" feeling adds up to the "harmonious" part of the song. Just like "negative" moments are converted "positive" after hard trial-and-error. "Darkness illuminates the light", as weird as it sounds.
This is probably why i'm so obsessed with contrast of light and darkness, the balance in songs, the flow.
I mean, take for example your everyday pop-music -- It's boring. It has no content, nor of any 'contrast' to it. I'm not a huge fan of rap and stuff like that, but I remember these, which are worth listening to. As far as I know, nothing comes close to these:


Now, tell me again. IS MUSIC SAME? NO. All we now have is the word "nigga" and "bitch" being repeated over and over. Just skimpy suits with fucking basketballs as tits. It's funny that even porn stars are more well-mannered than the "celebrities" and "fashion models".

*Sighs*. Oh well. I guess I'm one of those 'anomalies' within mankind.


  1. Hip-hop takes me a while back. Underground music is so much better than what makes it into the mainstream.

    I like Atmosphere for lyrics and Army of the Pharaohs for rhythm and melody, for example.

    Although it's musically a bit rough, I also like Soulfly - in memory of..

    1. Sweet! Soulfly is a bit rough, indeed, but has a very interesting combination of instruments used.

      Atmosphere sure has a variety of words used. Keeps things interesting.
      Reading "Army of the Pharaoh Seven", the Symphony X's Seven (epic riffs) instantly popped into my mind, even though they have nothing in common. Anyways, liked it over Atmosphere for some reason.

      Underground music has always been much better. It's funny how much people follow it just because it's "fashion or pop". It's easier to stay true to ones' self.
