
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Update of 10.06.2015

Well, I caught up with Noblesse last night. Now I've got nothing more to read, drawing it is.

Almost 9 hours of straight working. Stacking up the firewood. Can't say i'm tired, but the underneaths' of feet used to hurt quite the bit. Mind is hazy (physically below normal, so my mind takes the toll). But it's all OK now. Seems like most of the physical body has healed to it's normal.
The total size was 10 m3. Not sure what you call them in English, but in Estonian, it's called ruumimeetrit.

As for SAI's reverse engineering, I've made some progress, but can't quite still understand the flow of it's mechanism. Should most likely set breakpoints and see if I can follow it somehow.

Logically, don't exactly need the other two except 'Sai_Trial'. If I could send it down the correct path, it should sort itself out. If that doesn't work, probably gonna have to disable it.
I did examine the cracked exe, but it seemed bizarre. It just "push"ed 1 many times. Seemed weird... odd. Cannot understand how that works.

So. Few hours have passed. I took a look and the person who reversed it, had completely removed the code. Does seem to make sense because I tried following it and changing for multiple times, but caused a chain of errors. Should try jumping straight to the endpoint. Whatever route i took, only seemed to mess up the WindowTitle. Not sure if it had any effect on the licence. Probably not.

Eh... reversing is such a bummer.


  1. CheatEngine and its alternatives are also nice. You can compare the state of variables and determine the RAM addresses of the day counters.

    1. CheatEngine is well... eh. It's a bit of a hassle to actually get to the correct pointer and cause the correct thing to happen. And you can't quite patch the software it (unless you like opening it every time)..
