
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Update of 11.06.2015

A lot of delusions last night. I despise those long legged spiders. I know they are harmless, but I really dislike them. I'm unsure, if I actually saw one or not. I mean, I remember staring at it like "You ain't moving anywhere. You are gonna die". It was way over 30 seconds. When I went to get something, it was gone. Like never existed. Sat on the floor for 3 hours, playing guitar (since midnight), in hopes of spotting it. There were many 'jumps'. Like something clearly moved, yet it wasn't there. The time when I went to death (<-- wtf did i just write). *went to sleep, i had been awake for 16 hours. Who knows. Maybe i'm taking small steps towards schizophrenia. Not the first time when i feel being watched by inanimate things or having empathy towards them.

I remember lucid dreams. Something about a museum. Something about some sort of statues somewhere in Estonia. Me and some other people were going to these various rooms that were set up. Each room had different themes. We went to a cat-themed room. When I entered, i thought i had entered the wrong room somehow. Everyone was suited up and somehow really formal. I just stood there and listened to the speech that one gave. It was about pure-blooded cats. He explained how hard their lives are and for some reason, it made me wanna cry. When it was over, I sat down and spoke to a female person (I never initiate a conversation. Even that was weird to myself). Don't know why, but everything she said, made pure-blooded cats look exactly to normal ones. (shrugs). We had one hour left of time. Went to 'ahhaa'-themed room. Eh. It was a disappointment.
I remember places also points of time where I just watched the scenery. It was evening scenery with pink-purple-orange-red sky. 

My mind is quite hazy today. Head aches a bit.

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