
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Update of 3.06.2015

Was searching for a crack for SAI 1.2.0 for the past 4 hours. No luck. Could take a look with OllyDBG, but at this point, i'm too buzzed to do it.

Aside that, SAI seems like a great tool for line-work. Like seriously, you could get nowhere near that with Photoshop. In fact, I'm considering moving over to SAI, once I get the hang of the workflow.

Had to make a new ... I don't know what you can call it? I guess a "plank" will do. Don't exactly fancy the idea of laptop on lap without any ventilation. Anyways, had to give the damn "plank" a coating, so the laptop won't be running away, which of course rendered most of my day empty. Well, not that empty. I had the time to swear at the clouds for not bringing any thunder lol (even though, the clouds were very low in altitude and blue-ish. There were high altitude clouds as well, earth is fairly warm, so wtf?). Though, seems the coating was too thin and uneven. Probably going to sand it and recoat. More time for nonsensical stuff.

(Most of the time, while staring at the clouds, went something in the melody of Thunderstruck while in mind yelling "Thund'ah!" lol. This is exactly the reason I should, by all means, NOT be bored. :D )

Oh well. Time to hit the hay.


  1. Hmm .. does it need a crack?
    A while ago I found an older version of SAI that was distributed for free.
    However, since it didn't play well with Linux, I retreated back to MyPaint. MyPaint I like for the amazingly comfortable UI, though, it's not very feature-rich.

    1. I do have a 1.1.0, but it feels like a buzzkill. That version has been out for like 3 years now. Oh well, shall stick to that for now.

      MyPaint seems like a fairly good equal, but what amazes me the most about SAI is the drawing stabilization. No more goddamn jagged edges and curves! Also, Photoshop seems to demand, that I force the pen through the tablet to make solid lines, while SAI does it flawlessly.

  2. Hmm .. yeah. I haven't used Photoshop, but I would assume it's configurable.
    Stablization would be nice :).
