
Friday, September 13, 2013

Dream log: "Make it so, that the rules don't apply"

Today in the dream, i was both spectator and a person.
The point i remember from is where i am at an old, broken apart wooden house. There's a really old PC there and i found an HDD. Decided to put it in the bag, maybe could see what's on it later.

(Dream jump into semi-lucid dream where i was at home).
Me: (walks to the living room where mom watches tv and dad is in computer). @mom "hey, i think i know how we can get our dog back (apparently, our dog died. And in reality, he's been dead for a while)"."If it's dead here, there's a chance we could access a similar parallel dimension, where he might still be alive". (Yada-yada-yada, i went on for a while. No answer).
Dad:"You hungry or something?" (Offers a handful of flash drives)
Me:" (Rejects) No thanks." (Dad offers some metal bars)
Dad:"What's wrong with you?"
Me:"...What i want cannot be given... (I say this actually quite often, and i mean it)."

(Dream jumps back to the previous one, i'm a spectator this time, following a guy).
This person works hard to get revenge on a person with powers. Each time he fails.
At a point, he and the guy who wants to get revenge are on top of a tree. The person was standing on a ridiculously tiny branch (about the size of your thumb). Then says with a huge smile on his face:" Make it so, that the rules of the universe don't apply to you", and jumps off least the hight of a 4 houses tree, lands and a moment after, he disappeared.

And that's where the dream cuts off.

I'm too tired to repair the grammar mistakes i made. Either way, that guy had me thinking over this sentence for over half the day.

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