
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Old dreams and symbols

I've never understood these dreams. They are scary as hell, but serve some sort of meaning.

The dream takes off at night, in my room. I'm hiding under a blanket, sealing every possible opening. Soon i start to hear voices and start to feel multiple pulls (as in people trying to remove the blanket at take me away. I ain't even gonna start referring to other similar posts about getting dragged somewhere (while pretending to be asleep) or falling inside a pitch black dimensions where i hear a deep voiced chants. These dreams have always been somehow connected.
My theory on them is that i'm unable to turn off OBE's (like i am with auric sight) and entities are capable of physically harming me. Then again, they might try to "awake" me (as in spiritually).

Either way, the dream went on. These masses of voices, pulls & pushes faded away. I went to the living room (living room is right next to my bed room) where i find mom sitting on couch. She seemed confused and scared. When i took a closer look, she had symbols written all over her. For some reason, i knew what they meant. What it meant, was "Death". I still remember shivers running through my spine when i realized it. And then we just sat there, in fear and confusion.

This all happened after 1-2 in the morning (since i sorta fell asleep at 6 in the evening, i took it as an OBE attempt). The funny thing is, my mom told me that i had a conversation with her in an angry manner, yet i have no memory of it happening. She said it was around 9 at evening. Hahaha, i wonder whom she spoke to.
(She said that i had said this: *Mom walks in to my room* Me:"What do you want? *Meanwhile eyes were closed* Mom:"Did you set the alarm for tomorrow?" Me:"Yeah, yeah (actually, i did not. I did it after 1 AM).
She asked more questions but the answer was similar. It was nearly as she was talking to my subconscious or something. A program to give answers what i want without waking me. How convenient! Next go to school too. I'll wake up later. xD )
Also, right before OBE attempt, i saw some minor flashes again.

1 comment:

  1. :) Body does that sometimes.

    Sister once came into my room while I was sleeping. Body crawled out of bed and just sat there on the edge, while sister was repeating: "Hey, grandma wants to speak to you on the phone." After a few attempts, she just said to grandma: "Uhm .. I guess he's still asleep." Body crawled back into bed.

    Sometimes my aunt calls me while I'm asleep and far away. It's interesting, how the consciousness gradually transfers. At first I can't understand a word, then after a while, I can already answer some of those questions.

    Anyway, those voices, whispers and sigils don't sound like an attempt to spiritually awaken. More like to play boogeyman on you or something.
