
Friday, September 6, 2013

There still are some nice people on earth + tDCS update

So, after taking EGG off, i asked the doctor where it would be possible to buy electrodes. She asked why i wanted them for to what i simply replied "for brain stimulation". She had a confused look and asked once more, as in not believing my answer (i guess it's just logical. The chance you'd come across someone asking that is less than 1%). She didn't know. "How many do you need?", she asked. I said "only 2", but she gave me 5 instead. If you happen to ever read this, i am really thankful! I'd give all my positive karma just for that. I hope everything will go much better for you from now on.

Thanks to that, i can continue learn and recreate them. Also, continue working on tDCS (i already have made it portable, have quite long wires [had less than 1m at first. Now it's around 3m], added the opinion to regulate voltage and amps (just so much that it would either have a really strong effect [vision going brighter and darker, metal taste, dizziness, heightened awareness etc.] or barely capable of sensing it) and easy change of electrodes (also capability of attaching either cathode or anode to fingers, if in lack of electrodes).

I'm missing one last component. That is an electrolyte. I already figured a way to create one. Aloe vera gel + Salt. I'm still searching for pure aloe vera. For so long, i've been using salt water.
Once complete, i'll do some test runs. Then have a test subject (i already have one). Have to buy a new 9V battery too...

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