
Friday, September 20, 2013

Night of terror

Lately i've been a bit ill, but now i'm already nearly OK again.

Went to sleep yesterday at about 7pm (19:00), woke up several times. Went to bathroom, back to bed. Decided it would be a great idea to try OBE. Never been so wrong in my life before.
Laid there for a while and thought:"Damn, it's not working at all today. I should try to sleep now." Turned to the side and a moment later, i wake up staring at the ceiling, wondering, that how long i had been staring at it for now. Soon i started thinking:"The room looks really dark..." I start to slightly panic because i couldn't sense if it was a dream or reality. I started hearing a lot of noise and were panicking a lot. I was terrified. Then i remembered something that my old classmates you to sing, which is totally stupid. Ever seen Teletubbies? That intro song. "Tinky-winky... Tipsy... Lala... end üles poos (hanged himself)" When i thought the last part, I felt as i were going mad. The noise grew louder as ever. I looked away from the ceiling, afraid that i might actually see the  figure. Then i suddenly started repeating:"There is nothing to be afraid... there is NOTHING to be afraid.... " Soon the noise and voices went away. I realize once again... i'm staring at the ceiling... again. I really wanted to pull the blanket over my head but said this instead:".... and I thought i knew how to control my thoughts... (In so much fear that i started to laugh)".

(Takes a deep breath)... This has been the first time in a long while since I've been this scared. Still, they aren't as powerful as "dark dreams".  But what's worse, is that i still don't know if it was a dream or reality. Sometimes.... it really does seem as there's no difference between a dream or reality.


(There was a part where i started imagining the hanged figure, it was starting to come true. I tried to shoot it with energy, but nothing came out, nothing worked. It just didn't do what i wanted.
Also, I couldn't cancel out the what i believed to be a dream. Was it actually a reality?)


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