
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Geisting various electronics

Today, after school at our old classroom with my handicapped friend once again. The computers were on, but on stand-by. A while later, we start to notice that the computers start waking up from that state.

First computer, Me:  "Did you touch that computer?"
Him:  "Err, no, i don't think so."
A while later, 2 computers were on (they were behind us).
Me:  "(Jokingly), I~ think you might have company here".
Him:  "Well, guess i can't go to *certain* sites then".
Even later, i noticed how one of them turned on, on it's own. It was in the back of the class. The ones that were turned on, were now on stand-by again.
Me:  "Hey, did you see that?"
Him:  "See what?"
Me:  "That computer turned on on it's own."
Him:  "Maybe it had some sort of macro?"
Me:  "They don't use these things here. I doubt they even know what it means."

Earlier, trying to start one of the computers:
Me:  "The hell. It's not booting up."
Him:  "What? Windows 7?"
Me:  "Yeah, but Ubuntu 12.04 works great, yet it didn't on the one you are at. Neither did my USB".
Him:  "That's weird. And if they find out about it, we are gonna be the ones to blame."
Me:  "This really sucks. Guess we are gonna have to act through it. I'll bring windows repair disk tomorrow, see if i can get it to work."


Yesterday evening, trying to make noodles:
*Checks if there's enough water in heater* *Thinks:"Yup", turns it on*. A second later the heater turns off. *Thinks:"That was fast"*. *Checks to see if it really did come to boil*. The water was freaking gone. Maybe it wasn't there in the first place.


Today: *Doing audio editing* *Save as* -> *done*, *Listens to it, hears choppy parts... Delete.* "God-damnit. I already closed Audition... So, what are you gonna throw at me more today?" *Annoyed*


Also, concentrating on listening to silence, you can  hear voices. Can't make out what is being said though. There's music sometimes. There are no next door neighbours. There were no people at the bus station.

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