
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dream log: More! More randomness!

Last night, the attempt of OBE didn't succeed. I was still a bit terrified from the last one. It made me wonder, that i might have been a natural OBE-er since child but blocked this ability (since of constant "dark dreams" and inability to understand what's real and what's not.). It made me realize, that i'm regaining this ability, but subconsciously, i've been always suppressing most of it's potential. Enough of this. Onto dreams.

So today i saw a dream about... i'm not sure either what, my self.
The part i remember, is where i was visited by people from England (i doubt they'll read this blog, but they would know who). It striked me weird because no one EVER visits me (I don't want people to visit me anyways, they never speak or do anything interesting.). The rooms looked different... bigger. Much more relaxing. It was evening again. They had something to do so i went to buy groceries. The moment i stepped out of the door, i was in an environment, which looked really alike to a village of china or japan. There weren't a lot of people. This area was totally new to me too, yet i knew it somehow.

Later, somehow, i get signed up in some sort of guitar-monster-battle game where you have to play song as accurately as possible to kill the monsters. Got to say, i enjoyed it. I got over 3000 currency (not sure what it was, i gave a person a circular metal coin, that had imprinted on it "500" [and one 400]. Yen's perhaps?).
After that, i was walking somewhere in the back alley... not sure what i was doing there. Soon i was back home and the people from England had returned as well. In front of the house, they said "The roller coaster was fun!" ... As far as i know, there aren't any roller coasters nearby anywhere.

These dreams may be random, but they are relaxing. After all, i would and wouldn't want to experience more of the "dark dreams".

There's one more reason why i write these. I've noticed that all these dreams are random fractures of points of my life. Who knows, maybe someday these may serve a purpose.

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