
Monday, September 23, 2013

Physical: It gets even weirder

So today i got the answers for the 24h ECG. What they said is that i get "panic attacks" at certain times (even tho i messed with it, the times were off.).
A little bit earlier, i was really tired and decided to take a nap. Woke up because it was so hot and my heart was racing like hell, feeling bad as hell. For about 30 minutes, i attempted to lower it by will alone. I did succeed, but it raised back up. Later, had to ask some sort of medicine that would slow it down... took some, down, now for about 10 minutes later, it's back up again and i'm feeling sleepy as hell. It's sitting around 100-130. And, it's hot as hell again. It feels as if i'm running right now.

All i can say, is that i'm feeling weird right now. I'm nowhere as conscious as i should be and i lack control over my body.

We'll see if i live til' tomorrow. If yes, then i'll be uploading the ECG report soon.

1 comment:

  1. I got my ECG report today. The max was 196, the lowest was 53. Normal was around 80, can't remember. Too bad, i was hoping to go over 200. Well, this was with just walking too, so who cares.

    There was a point where my heart "switched modes". Fast heart rate, pause.... back to normal. I will post pics later. I still need to scan and crop them.
