
Saturday, March 15, 2014

A strong construct

I had some free time, so i created a construct to kill off the pain that comes from heart chakra (the one that creates depression).
I meditated (today is another world-wide meditation day, did you know?), focusing on first erasing all thoughts, then reliving the dreams where i hugged someone and felt all of the problems go away. When the effect was on quite strongly, i directed most of this feeling into a crystal that i wear (i use it for storing energy in a form of a chakra, meanwhile this crystal itself is surrounded by a construct, that gathers, generates the energy of those certain chakras, and stores it while some of the energy goes to the construct itself). Those energies are drawn by remembering the feeling (it amplifies the energy, which is being used).
It worked quite well. When i felt this pain, i recalled the feeling of being hugged, and a moment later, i could feel my chest warm up and pain slowly going away.

I'm not sure how much energy i have stored in this crystal. The ones i remember are wind, snow, lightning, rain, stasis, meditative state and now hugging. That's... 7 different types of energy.
Funny thing is, that for a while, i didn't use it for quite long time (since summer). When i started wearing it, i focused on the summer, when it was really stormy. I imagined releasing some of 'wind' and it did get really windy for the rest of the day.

Also, the thing is with this thing, whenever certain type of energy is being repeated, it absorbs it (unless from me). Whenever it is being radiated, i can sense it (like for example, wind moving).

In a way, i guess you could say, that it has a personality.

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