
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Drawing + Dream log + General

You guessed it. I got my graphics table. Tested it out in various ways. Works great.
Drawn already various things, discarded a lot. Still, it's fun in it's own way. Fingers hurt.
I did this one for a while. Just to get used to the thing and get some basic imagination going again:

Had a dream... well, not sure. It was sorta mix of OBE and dream. Funny thing. Experiencing OBE twice didn't wake me up. Only half-conscious.

At evening, had several times the feeling of 'about to get sucked into OBE state'. I was OK with it. Never did. Dang.

My eyes are getting really f'd up. Not in a normal way. I mean like there is always this blue glow to things. Black isn't black. Looking at bright objects, blinds and leaves the blinded spot for a good while. Got to get a pair of sunglasses. Not to even mention shadows and glowing stuff randomly appearing and disappearing. It really does fuck with your senses. With all this crap going on, it's getting difficult to focus on what's real and what's not. Like when i watch to the right of my monitor (there's a wall there), i can focus on these 'strings' and particles. Well, whatever.

... (sits here, doing nothing) ...

Yeah... wanted to say something else... now i can't remember what. Oh well. Off to sleep.

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