
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Confession 1: Anime

I remember my childhood, where i truly believed in pokemon's existence. When my mom said that they don't, i cried, looking out of the window for hours. I was truly broken. I REALLY loved Pikachu. I wanted one. I would've done anything.

It's funny. I still stand at the same spot. I love anime from the bottom of my heart, and truly do believe, that they do exist somewhere. I simply deny giving up. I usually give things up in the first 5 minutes. It actually makes me embarrased to say it, but i've loved a "certain" character since 2008. That's... 6 years! Stubborn, but dedicated, eh? (*Laughs and internally cries at the same time*). Any other person would've probably given up already.

I remember every anime character i have watched. I SWORE that i would remember them, even if they are fiction or cannot speak to us. I WILL NOT FORGET.

Here's something for you to think about. There's infinite amount of planes of existence, meaning, that on some of them, you are anime, that people love. So take time, wave to them!

1 comment:

  1. I also love anime and anime characters. The same with movies, books. All the characters are real constructs. You can feel them much like you can feel the people walking on the street. Thus, they're real. It's not physical touch, visibility or audibility that makes things real, although people often think that's the case.

    However, binding oneself to a construct has its caveats. As with everything in this life or some other, one should be able to let go. Love without attachment to form, for form is mortal.
