
Monday, March 31, 2014

An odd night (31.03.2014)

Two stories took place this night.... and at daytime.


First, mine:
I wake up around 3am, having really ill feeling at solar plexus. It felt like wanting to puke, without the puke part. It just felt really ill and torturous. I managed to suppress this feeling, fell asleep.

(Told me this dream): It was night and i was standing next to the living room couch, where she was sleeping. She "woke" up to me standing next to her. When she asked "what's wrong?", I said that the skin on my head feels really itchy and is shrinking. She just said to this:"Go to sleep, i got a few hours to sleep til morning".

(She claimed that it was around 4am, also describing the experience to be extremely realistic.)


I went to take a bath, do the usual stuff. While doing all this, mom had asked if i was in bath. I never heard it. Coming out, went to take the hair dryer, she was sleeping on the bed, yet i never saw her. When i was drying my hair, she went to bathroom and I stood there like i had seen a ghost. I said nothing, blinked my eyes to be sure that i am actually seeing it. For the whole time she was in bathroom, i was considering the possibility of it just being hallucination. When she came out, i immediately asked:"Since when'st are you home??". She also claimed that when i was in bath, she came home. I never heard the door closing (there's not like even 5m to the door! We live in an apartment where you can practically hear every scratch).

After all that, she said that she saw this weird dream. I said that maybe it was an OBE and maybe the one you saw, wasn't me. I told her that it may have looked like me, but did it feel like me? She just shaked her head and said she was pretty sure, that it was me.

Wow... just wow. That's one crazy day.

Side-note: Lowered awareness and control over body. Still can't see aura around myself. Mom's got a fever.

Edit: Forgot that i noticed a "cat-scratch" in a form of tears (i got a weird thing that my skin separates from flesh from some places, causes these "tears". Not as a cry tear, as a tear tear.)

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