
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Fading indeed...

 People manage to make me furious lately. Just because i don't say anything doesn't mean I'm angry, and asking 'Why are you angry' is only going to make me more. Mom did this and I said with an angry tone:"If you don't understand something, then keep your nose out of it". There are points where i am in sync with a lot of dimensions and do not wish to be disturbed, since then there's a high probability of causing unintentional PK (in massive size). Simply walking home like that had all the lights pulsing around me. So please, mind your own business.

(Not to even mention, still being somewhat in sync later. Sitting on the floor, staring at one point. "Dad" said that i should learn to know myself. Know what? Fuck off. I know myself very well and I'm very conscious about my decisions and actions.)

I seriously have started hating people who don't understand, yet still meddle in other's affairs. I feel like i want to erase them from existence.

*Sighs*, I haven't been under stress lately. Nothing has happened, yet I'm changing.  I want to be alone. More than ever. I mean like not speaking or even encountering people at all.

Classmates were a pain in the ass. Wanted me to join the "Noor Meister" competition. I rejected. After 2 lessons of annoying me (2 + 2 teachers), they gave up. Good riddance. I got better to do with my time than that.

Had an unintentional OBE in a dream. Wanted to speak to a dead monk. Never made it.

The dreams have been much deeper. 7 hours is now sufficient for full rest. The wake up is more difficult, though. Simply opening eyes feels like looking at the sun and it was rather dark (i have dark blue curtains, so barely any light comes in. Most is blue, but even that's so little).

I'm considering on concentrating more on PK and stuff from now on. I feel different. Perhaps i am fading.


  1. Replies
    1. The monk was a creator of a new world system where all nations exist as one. The whole society and it's ways were rewritten. Basically, he solved most of world's problems, but died just lately, so i decided to visit his grave and have a chat. His grave was under a tree that was blooming beautifully greenly with golden sunshine shining trough between the leafs. A simplistic gravestone with 3 of smoky sticks (those things that you light, then give you a smell. Those were lit.) put into a small glass jar. A few flowers were nearby the glass.

      When i extended my hand through the smoke, i lost consciousness and went into OBE. No noise, no nothing. Just that pure state.

      Might even try recreating that scene. It was quite beautiful.

  2. Awesome..

    I think those are called incense sticks.
