Now, it would be composed of these main elements:
- Head = 1 (variable size)
- Neck = roughly 0.8 times smaller
- Chest = around 0.1-0.2 times bigger than head)
- Stomach = size of the head
- Hips = around the size of 'chest'
If perspective changes (assuming that it's rotating around object) on X axis, change the size of the model roughly 0.5 times smaller, unless viewing from front or back. Draw circles as ovals instead.
If on Y, then change the size of lower objects to smaller.
After thinking over this and putting it into use, i came out with something like this (this was a fairly fast sketch):
I think i'm gonna use this for future projects.
Edit: The hell? I already finished and published this post, what's it still doing as a draft?
Wow, that looks really good =D