
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Changing again.

I'm mutating again. My heart has took as default to go under 60bpm while sleeping or in relaxed state (i checked it on clock. The beat and tick were synced). Influencing does not work at that stage.

Another thing: I have difficulty understanding things. If i look at text or something, sometimes, i cannot understand it. Vision is just fine. If i close my eyes and rest for a while, i can understand again. It's like once i couldn't see text at all. All i saw was a blank paper.

More. I have strong control over what i can change. My will is stronger. I feel as i can change myself completely, yet don't really need to.

Most of the day, i've felt as i have a tail, wings and horns. Also, forearms feel strange as well. I think it would be cool to have wings and a tail. :P

I'm confused which feeling is correct. The good, or the ill one. I use the good one, but it goes exactly the opposite for some reason. Hmm...

Can't remember today's dream. I know i had one, but what?

Found it funny how people whine over the weather. If it's too sunny, they whine. If it's raining/snowing, they whine. If it's windy or quiet, they whine. What a stupid thing this human is... learn to appriciate it.

I get the feeling as something wants to speak with a loud voice. It's tired of me being quiet all the time.

The images that pop up from time to time are kinda annoying. They come and go, never knowing, what i actually saw.

1 comment:

  1. When you're confused which one is correct, you could observe both from a neutral middle-ground.
