
Thursday, March 20, 2014

My opinion VS others (20.03.2014)

I don't know why everyone's afraid to be different, and when one's popular different, everyone copies him/her. It's like people can't think for themselves. It's like people pull a mask on before they start the day. It seriously ticks me off, but what seriously frustrates me, is that this "certain person", who is afraid to be different, forces his or her own opinions onto others.

I guess, my parents are a perfect example. When i say, that i want to wear a long coat (kinds like in Matrix or in 'Darker in Black'), they instantly think of something 'cowboy'-ish. One of those with fancy hats and clothes. No. Just NO. I just want a long coat. I don't care what others think, but this is something i would wear daily. I feel like those are perfect clothes for me. Simply some black clothing with a black coat (i love the colors black and white).

This is what they are imagining:


This is what I am imagining:

In a way, i think people are just plain idiotic. They follow fashion over what they personally like. I, personally, am fine with being a weirdo. I've already realized that i'm different than others.

Also, i think i haven't posted anything i've drawn here... think not. (Shrugs)

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