
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Dream log: Left behind

Dream starts from the point where i join a cult. They were hanging out in some sort of old ruins. It was fairly green and bumpy land. They didn't set any rules for except, not to harm others with your own power (unless attacked). I was given a ring. This ring has the ability to manipulate water. There was 3 of us in total. We went to a city (building looked fairly tall. Around 3 storied buildings? Made of wood and some of stone). It was winter. Since the other two went to do things and i had nothing to do, i tried out the ability. I picked up some snow and made it into a ball of snow. I melted it, while attempting to retain it's form, then froze it so much that when i threw it in air, it blew into multiple long icicles that rained down.
Then came a point, where i acquired another ring. I'm not sure from where, but not from the cult. We were heading back and someone had joined us. I asked if he knew anything of it. He looked surprised and said "this ring looks like from eastern lands! I've never seen one (apparently, the eastern cults had all died out... somehow) myself, but i think this ring had the ability to control people's thoughts and amplify them. That also means yours".
Not long, we were walking and i was always falling behind. I kept running to close them, yet again i fell behind. Soon the cap was so huge that i had a momentary fear of being left behind. I forgot that i had the ring... my head gets really dizzy, i collapse to the ground, trying to control this feeling. They run back, but i already managed to get control of it. From that point, i had an idea. No... a will. I used the thought control to control the other rings power to create a different power. I immidiately tested this, and i was capable of getting fire, lightning, water, TK and even combine all of them. That's where this dream ends.

Dream 2: Continuation?

Not quite sure how this one started but it had a similar storyline to it. I attempted to create fire around my hand from pure energy. Interestingly, i did learn a form of deeper concentration due to it. At first, i tried to force it, which yielded low results. With concentration, i first started to see smoke/steam coming off around my hand, and soon, those smokes formed into colorful flames. But the thing was, the more i concentrated, the bigger they got. Soon they were nearly the height of the ceiling and i had to stop.


Forgot to mention that i saw 2 shooting stars yesterday. One was barely noticable, but there was a clear tail to it. You know... the smoke/wave thing behind it?

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