
Friday, March 14, 2014

Dream: Planets? Aliens?

(Straight to the dream)
I was at home, staring outside. It was cloudy. On weather news, they promised stormy weather. I keep staring outside, as if knowing, that one that, something will come from there.
Time goes on. It's night. I see something. First, it was rather dim light, but then keeps getting brighter. Soon, the whole sky is filled with lights. Galaxies in various colors, planets. Some of them were so close, that it would fill most of your view.

Dream changes. I went outside. The old building near the local sauna was torn apart. Some places burnt to crisp (it did once caught fire, it was quite beautiful. When i woke up, i saw tons of little sparks flying, like one of those fountain fireworks. I even had some pictures of it). When i was inside, it was still OK. I decide to go look around there. I found something strange... a syringe with glowing green stuff. Soon, i was running away due to them wanting it. I was trapped. I had nowhere to run. I did something out of the ordinary. I injected myself with it (the tip of the syringe was around half of the size of your pinky). Not only the injection hurt, the liquid did as well. I mean A LOT. When i opened my eyes, i was floating in midair, the men who were chasing me, gone. No idea what had happened.

And that's where me memory cuts off. There are still images of some stuff happening, but i'm not sure how or where to fit them.

Funny thing is, that i've been injected with various chemicals before (in dreams). Said that it's for my "own good". Still don't realize what's it about.

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