
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Update of 18.03.2014

Another update.

If there's something that annoys me, it's when people disturb (that means even appearing anywhere near me) when i'm doing something. Can't you understand that, in order to learn more efficently, i need to lower all other senses and commands that are not related, to near zero. Simply you being there disturbs me so greatly, that all this, is lost. And yes, if you do happen to disturb me, i will be seriously angry (I won't start yelling, but i'll be hostile towards you. That means inflicting damage with words with a cold expression).
This applies at most when i'm drawing or playing guitar (accordingly to music just by hearing alone. This narrows my awareness only to around me. I barely notice any movement at all). I don't need your thoughts or emotions to distract me from what i'm doing. This is a instant killswitch for me. Especially when i'm bad at something.

...(Takes deep breath and sighs)...

Tomorrow's an annoying day. 6 computers and 2 English'es. Another day completely wasted on nothing. I wish i could be at home and do what i want.

Been having a bit strange dreams. Can't quite remember them, but they feel different.

Took an afternoon nap. Saw a dream where i was outside at summer. Sitting on a tractor-wheel sandbox. Was holding my touchpad and i was just finished. Turned off the screen and noticed, that there are heat distortions going off above it. I instantly thought it was on fire. I looked everywhere, sliding my hand all over it, hoping to extinguish them. Nothing. It ended, but it had slightly melted, but it still seemed to work. I just nervously laughed for a moment, looked how bad it is, then accepted it.
There have been other dreams quite similar to it. In a way, i guess i'm a little worried of it breaking.

Since it's still 23:45, i shall spend at least 2 hours on OBE. I really do hope i'll be able to pull it off.

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