
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Update of 20.03.2014

Had to write a little about something in physics. I wrote about ESTCube-1. Wanted to ask Sussch about it, but didn't want to annoy him. Either way, it was too late anyways.

While writing, i had a few ideas that made me wonder. The one that bugged me the most, was that "why aren't we using radiation (other than light) to generate electricity (there's always background radiation)?".

Have been seeing odd dreams.
Today, this is what i saw:

I was in a city. Something was going on. It was evening, cloudy (as in about to rain). Then there comes a woman with a gun, no emotions, yet tears flowing down the face. Starts shooting at me. I dodge all 3 bullets she fires, hold the gun, release the clip from the gun. I start walking away, but i forgot, that there's still one more bullet in the gun. She shoots, but luckily misses. I go back and grab the gun from her. I put the clip back in the gun, safety on and into my pocket.
I see a building on fire, soldiers guarding around it. An older man gathers some people, and me, and we sneak past them.

The dream ends there since mom dropped something and it made a lot of noise.

Woke up at night several times, so thirsty. I nearly drank a whole 1.25l bottle of coke. I didn't go to bathroom until after school.

When i went to sleep yesterday, i noticed a flash in the sky. Like a camera flash from far away. Wonder what was that.

OBE's sorta failed. Did get OBE vibes for a second, then gone. After that, all i saw was images, those were not even vivid.

Well, that's about what has happened...

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